Communion Service 3rd March 2024

Scripture exhorts us to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. And we grow in the grace of Christ through God's appointed instruments 

by which the Holy Spirit enables us to receive Christ and the benefits of his saving work. These instruments are called the means of grace.

The three foremost means of grace are the Word of God, the sacraments (baptism and the Lord's Supper), and prayer. 

We have the opportunity to use all the three means of grace when we meet tomorrow at 11am in the Memorial Hall.

  • Alan Mak will lead us in the Sunday service

  • Valerie Hoo will read Scripture from Exodus 15:1-21

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the passage on "Song of the Sea".

  • We will celebrate Holy Communion after the sermon

After the service, please stay behind for our monthly fellowship lunch. Following lunch, we will have a time of corporate prayer. We will pray for the church.

We hope you will be blessed and strengthened in your faith as you take advantage of the means of grace.


Sunday Service 10th March 2024


Sunday Service 25th February 2024