
Sunday school

At TGCC, we are excited for the privilege of working with children to teach them the wonderful Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. Currently, we use the Gospel Project as the main teaching tool to equip each child to know and love their Creator God and Saviour Jesus. We would love to be able to serve you and your family here at TGCC!

Bible study groups

We meet weekly in small groups to spend time together in God’s Word and to fellowship with one another. We encourage you to join one of our current Bible study groups so you can become a part of the life of our church!

Mission support

At TGCC, we are also committed to supporting our gospel workers, both local and global, who work tirelessly to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to advance his Kingdom.

Our partners include:

  • Rowan and Bethany from

  • City Bible Forum

  • Barnabas Fund

We are committed to supporting other charitable organisations that meet the social needs of our communities.