Our Church Council

Our church governance is built on the principles of accountability and transparency. We have a church council made up of the senior pastor, elders and deacons.


Joseph Teo


Joseph Teo is the pastor of TGCC. He entered ministry work after he relocated to Australia with his family. He studied at Moore Theological College and had his first pastorate at South Camberwell Gospel Hall. He is married to Mai Lyn and they have four adult children.

Andrew Reid

Preaching Pastor

Andrew is married to Heather and serves as the preaching pastor at TGCC. He was born in Vanuatu, grew up in Papua New Guinea and converted to Christ in his late teens before studying theology at Moore College. He has served as a pastor in a variety of churches and has written a number of books on the Old Testament and biblical interpretation. He particularly loves to help people understand God’s great purposes in Jesus Christ through explaining the Bible to them.

Victor Khor


Victor previously worked as an accountant in Australia & UK, but currently serves as a staffworker with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, supporting the “Christian Union” student clubs based at Melbourne University & Monash University (Parkville campus). He grew immensely as a Christian and servant-leader through a ministry traineeship at St Helens Bishopsgate church in London and theological training at Moore Theological College.

Heather Reid

Women’s Ministry / Deacon

Heather serves amongst the women of TGCC. She is married to Andrew and has two sons, two daughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren. Heather has previously worked as a physiotherapist, an AFES staffworker, and a lecturer in Hebrew and O.T. at the Evangelical Theological College of Asia (ETCAsia) in Singapore. She recently completed a PhD in O.T. through Ridley.

Jessie Huang



Alan Mak


External Board Members

We are also accountable to an external and independent board of evangelical pastors and leaders serving in other congregations around Australia.


Andrew Courtis

Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church

Andrew serves as a Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church which is located in Sydney, Australia. He is married to Dianne and they have three children (Kate, Emma, and Jack). Born and raised in Melbourne, he moved to Adelaide to undertake theological studies (BMin.), completed additional studies with the Presbyterian Theological College in Melbourne (MATh.), and is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching at the Master’s Seminary. Andrew has served in pastoral ministry in both Melbourne and Sydney and is a qualified school teacher. As a Pastor, he is committed to expository preaching and making the Word of God known and understood.


Tim Grant

Pastor of Grace Christian Community

Tim Grant is the pastor of Grace Christian Community. He is married to Belinda and father to four young children. He worked for the government as a Town Planner before retraining for gospel ministry. He is a graduate of Moore Theological College (Syd) and Ridley College (Mel).


Rob Martin

Pastor of the English Congregation of Northcote Baptist Church

Robert Martin has worked with City Bible Forum in Melbourne for 10 years before moving over into pastoral ministry. He hosts the radio show and podcast Bigger Questions which explores the big questions of life in an entertaining and thoughtful way. He has a keen interest in apologetics and how the Christian message engages our culture. He is married to Di and has three children.


Greg Wong

Vicar of All Saints Anglican Church at Mitcham

Greg Wong is an ordained Anglican minister in the Melbourne Diocese. He is married to Aileen and they have two wonderful kids, Zachariah and Adele. Greg grew up in Melbourne and worked in accounting and finance before completing a Bachelor of Divinity at Moore Theological College, Sydney.