Sunday Service 17th March 2024
The story is told of several seminary students visiting Charles Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London. Before the service began, Spurgeon took them to see the church's "heater plant". Located in the basement, they saw hundreds of people praying for God's blessing at the service and for Spurgeon's preaching. The prayer meeting was the "power plant" of the church.
We do not have many at our prayer meeting but where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name we have the Lord's presence and power.
So let us gather tomorrow at 10:30am in the side room of the Memorial Hall. We will pray for the world, for the nation, and for the church.
Then at 11am, we will begin our Sunday service.
Joseph Teo will be service leading
Alice Tung will read Scripture from John 17:1-26
Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "The Great Prayer of Jesus".
We pray that you will be blessed as you join us for corporate worship.