Sunday Service 21st January 2024
We will meet tomorrow in the Memorial Hall at 10:30am for prayer. We will pray for what God is doing in the world, in our nation, and in the church.
Then at 11am, we will gather for our Sunday worship.
Mark Trench will lead us
Mandy Trench will read Scripture from 2 Samuel 2:1-32 (NIV)
Caleb Cheong will preach from the text on "Avoiding Needless Conflicts"
Pastor Caleb, his wife Phoebe and daughter Charisse are no strangers to us. They were with us when TGCC first started before Caleb took up a pastoral position
with the Edge Community Church. Caleb has recently finished up at the church and he is taking a short break before embarking on the next chapter of his ministry.
Please welcome Caleb and his family.