Tenebrae Service 8pm, Maundy Thursday 28th March 2024

We invite you to this special service at the Memorial Hall on Maundy Thursday to remember the last evening that Jesus shared with his disciples in the upper room. It was on this night that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, instituted the Lord’s Supper, and gave his new commandment to the disciples to love one another.

The service will take the form of an early Church service called Tenebrae, which is Latin for ‘darkness’. We will use the ‘darkness’ to remember that Thursday night in Jerusalem. Even though there was a full moon, yet the darkest deeds in human history were committed against our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord did not flinch from the suffering that awaited him on Friday morning. Instead, he prayed to the Father, saying, “Not my will but yours be done.”

We will read Scripture, pray, sing hymns, and partake the Lord’s Supper, reflecting deeply on the painful agony of Christ as he knowingly set his eyes on the cross to obey his Father’s will. When we understand our Lord’s dark night of the soul on that Thursday night we will also rejoice with great thanksgiving at the momentous news of Christ’s victory over the grave on Easter morning.

We pray that you will be spiritually nourished and your love for the Lord strengthened.


Good Friday Service 11am, 29th March 2024


Palm Sunday Service 24th March 2024