Welcome Andrew & Heather Reid to TGCC

We formally welcome Andrew and Heather Reid. They have begun their role as part-time staff at TGCC.

Andrew is the Preaching Pastor and Heather is the Women's Ministry Worker & a Deacon.


Andrew Reid

Preaching Pastor

Andrew is married to Heather and serves as the preaching pastor at TGCC. He was born in Vanuatu, grew up in Papua New Guinea and converted to Christ in his late teens before studying theology at Moore College. He has served as a pastor in a variety of churches and has written a number of books on the Old Testament and biblical interpretation. He particularly loves to help people understand God’s great purposes in Jesus Christ through explaining the Bible to them.


Heather Reid

Women’s Ministry / Deacon

Heather serves amongst the women of TGCC. She is married to Andrew and has two sons, two daughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren. Heather has previously worked as a physiotherapist, an AFES staffworker, and a lecturer in Hebrew and O.T. at the Evangelical Theological College of Asia (ETCAsia) in Singapore. She recently completed a PhD in O.T. through Ridley.


Communion Sunday 1st October 2023


Sunday Service 24th September 2023