Combined Easter Service 10:30am, 31st March 2024
"Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,
endless is the victory thou o'er death has won."
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the pivotal point in history, giving real hope to this world.
Let us therefore come together at 10:30am tomorrow in the Memorial Hall for the Combined Easter Service. It is a great opportunity to be able to jointly celebrate with members of Christ Church Hawthorn.
Andrew Dircks will service lead
Octavia Tomyn and Alice Tung will read Scripture respectively from John 20:1-18 and Psalm 145
Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "The Enthroned King"
We will celebrate Holy Communion in anticipation of the King's return
We hope you will join us in the celebration. Because Christ lives, we can live again.
All Blessings in Christ