Communion Sunday 7th April 2024

We will celebrate the Lord's Supper tomorrow, being the first Sunday of the month. The Lord's Supper is a means of grace and we want to approach it with grateful thanksgiving. Let us therefore prepare our hearts and minds for this sacrament.

At 10:30am we will meet at the side room of the Memorial Hall for prayer.

Then at 11am, we will gather in the Memorial Hall for the Service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Sarah Teo will read Scripture from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

  • Andrew Reid will preach on the text on "The Word Sounds Forth"
    This is Andrew's new series on Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians.

After service, there will be church lunch.
Please stay for the fellowship meal.
Following that, we will begin the second session of "The Five Looks - A model for Biblical Interpretation". Andrew and Heather will lead the session.

We hope you will be blessed in joining us.


Sunday Service 14th April 2024


Combined Easter Service 10:30am, 31st March 2024