Communion Sunday Service 6th August 2023
Dear brothers and sisters,
We will meet tomorrow at 10:30am in the side room of the Memorial Hall for prayer. We will pray for the world, for the nation and for the church.
Then at 11am, we will begin our Communion Sunday service in the Memorial Hall.
We want to welcome Dr Timothy Lau, our consultant from Revitalise Australia, who will guide us through the process of renewal and revitalisation.
We also want to welcome Andrew and Heather Reid, as they begin attending TGCC while waiting for the formal process of their appointments to complete.
At the service,
Marcus Chen will lead us
Valerie Hoo will read Scripture from Acts 11:19-30
I will preach from the text on "The First Christians".
There will be lunch after the service. Please stay behind for the lunch fellowship and get to know Dr Lau and the Reids.
Joseph Teo