Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Communion Sunday 7th April 2024

We will celebrate the Lord's Supper tomorrow, being the first Sunday of the month. The Lord's Supper is a means of grace and we want to approach it with grateful thanksgiving. Let us therefore prepare our hearts and minds for this sacrament.

At 10:30am we will meet at the side room of the Memorial Hall for prayer.

Then at 11am, we will gather in the Memorial Hall for the Service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Sarah Teo will read Scripture from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

  • Andrew Reid will preach on the text on "The Word Sounds Forth"
    This is Andrew's new series on Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians.

After service, there will be church lunch.
Please stay for the fellowship meal.
Following that, we will begin the second session of "The Five Looks - A model for Biblical Interpretation". Andrew and Heather will lead the session.

We hope you will be blessed in joining us.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Combined Easter Service 10:30am, 31st March 2024

"Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son, 
endless is the victory thou o'er death has won."
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the pivotal point in history, giving real hope to this world.

Let us therefore come together at 10:30am tomorrow in the Memorial Hall for the Combined Easter Service. It is a great opportunity to be able to jointly celebrate with members of Christ Church Hawthorn.

  • Andrew Dircks will service lead

  • Octavia Tomyn and Alice Tung will read Scripture respectively from John 20:1-18 and Psalm 145

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "The Enthroned King"

  • We will celebrate Holy Communion in anticipation of the King's return

We hope you will join us in the celebration. Because Christ lives, we can live again.

All Blessings in Christ

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Good Friday Service 11am, 29th March 2024

Join us for our Good Friday Service at 11am in the Memorial Hall.

  • Alan Mak will service lead

  • Sarah Teo will read Scripture from Mark 15:21-39

  • Joseph Teo will preach on “He Saved Others But He Can’t Save Himself”

We pray that you will be spiritually blessed.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Tenebrae Service 8pm, Maundy Thursday 28th March 2024

We invite you to this special service at the Memorial Hall on Maundy Thursday to remember the last evening that Jesus shared with his disciples in the upper room. It was on this night that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, instituted the Lord’s Supper, and gave his new commandment to the disciples to love one another.

The service will take the form of an early Church service called Tenebrae, which is Latin for ‘darkness’. We will use the ‘darkness’ to remember that Thursday night in Jerusalem. Even though there was a full moon, yet the darkest deeds in human history were committed against our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord did not flinch from the suffering that awaited him on Friday morning. Instead, he prayed to the Father, saying, “Not my will but yours be done.”

We will read Scripture, pray, sing hymns, and partake the Lord’s Supper, reflecting deeply on the painful agony of Christ as he knowingly set his eyes on the cross to obey his Father’s will. When we understand our Lord’s dark night of the soul on that Thursday night we will also rejoice with great thanksgiving at the momentous news of Christ’s victory over the grave on Easter morning.

We pray that you will be spiritually nourished and your love for the Lord strengthened.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Palm Sunday Service 24th March 2024

Tomorrow is the start of Holy Week before Easter. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, and includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and ends with Holy Saturday. 

On Palm Sunday we remember that Jesus knowingly entered Jerusalem for the last time to redeem his people for the Father. 

Let us therefore come together with thanksgiving at 10:30am in the Memorial Hall for prayer. 

Then at 11am, we will commence our Palm Sunday Service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Heather Reid will read Scripture from John 18:1-19:27

  • Andrew Reid witl preach from the text on "The Passion of Jesus: Observing the Participants". 

We hope that you will be blessed as you join us in worship.

After the service, there will be lunch followed by the AGM. We encourage all to participate in this meeting. 

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 17th March 2024

The story is told of several seminary students visiting Charles Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London. Before the service began, Spurgeon took them to see the church's "heater plant". Located in the basement, they saw hundreds of people praying for God's blessing at the service and for Spurgeon's preaching. The prayer meeting was the "power plant" of the church.

We do not have many at our prayer meeting but where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name we have the Lord's presence and power. 

So let us gather tomorrow at 10:30am in the side room of the Memorial Hall. We will pray for the world, for the nation, and for the church.

Then at 11am, we will begin our Sunday service.

  • Joseph Teo will be service leading

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from John 17:1-26

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "The Great Prayer of Jesus".

We pray that you will be blessed as you join us for corporate worship.

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Events TGCC Events TGCC

TGCC Church Camp 2024

This year’s church camp is themed ‘Godly Living in a Hostile World’ and comes from the Book of Daniel with Pastor Andrew Reid as the speaker. It will be held at CYC The Island on Fri to Sun 24-26 May.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow spiritually, connect with others, and have a blast in a safe and welcoming environment!

This year’s church camp is themed ‘Godly Living in a Hostile World’ and comes from the Book of Daniel with Pastor Andrew Reid as the speaker. It will be held at CYC The Island on Fri to Sun 24-26 May.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow spiritually, connect with others, and have a blast in a safe and welcoming environment!

Visit the TGCC Church Camp 2024 page to find out more & to sign up!

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 10th March 2024

We will meet tomorrow at 10:30am in the Memorial Hall for prayer. We will pray that God will continue to do his saving work in the world, his transformative work in the nation, and his sanctifying work in the church. 

Then at 11am, we will begin our Sunday service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Heather Reid will read Scripture from 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

  • Joseph Teo will preach from the text on "Set Apart for the Gospel"

May you be blessed as you join us in our corporate worship.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Communion Service 3rd March 2024

Scripture exhorts us to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. And we grow in the grace of Christ through God's appointed instruments 

by which the Holy Spirit enables us to receive Christ and the benefits of his saving work. These instruments are called the means of grace.

The three foremost means of grace are the Word of God, the sacraments (baptism and the Lord's Supper), and prayer. 

We have the opportunity to use all the three means of grace when we meet tomorrow at 11am in the Memorial Hall.

  • Alan Mak will lead us in the Sunday service

  • Valerie Hoo will read Scripture from Exodus 15:1-21

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the passage on "Song of the Sea".

  • We will celebrate Holy Communion after the sermon

After the service, please stay behind for our monthly fellowship lunch. Following lunch, we will have a time of corporate prayer. We will pray for the church.

We hope you will be blessed and strengthened in your faith as you take advantage of the means of grace.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 25th February 2024

Recently I heard a podcast that reminded me that what goes on in the church service must help us meet with God.

Let us therefore come together tomorrow to meet with God in the Bluestone church.

  • At 10:30am we will have a time of prayer for the world, the nation, and the church.

  • Then at 11am, I will lead the Sunday service.

  • Heather Reid will read Scripture from Exodus 13:17-14:31

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "Crossing the Sea"

Following the service, we will have lunch in the Wood Hall before we commence the first session of "Five Looks".

"Five Looks" is a model for effective personal or group Bible study and application. Andrew Reid, who developed it, will conduct the program.

We encourage everyone to attend to be equipped to better understand and know God's word.  

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Service Joseph Teo Service Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 18th February 2024

  • So let us come together tomorrow at 10:30am in the Memorial Hall for prayer.

  • We will pray for the world, the nation and the church.

  • Then at 11am in the Memorial Hall we will begin the Sunday service.

  • Alan Mak will lead us

  • Heather Reid will read Scripture from Exodus 11:1-10

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the extended passage on "The Passover Lamb".

It is a joy and privilege to gather as God's holy people in Jesus' name. 

So let us come together tomorrow at 10:30am in the Memorial Hall for prayer. 

We will pray for the world, the nation and the church.

Then at 11am in the Memorial Hall we will begin the Sunday service.

  • Alan Mak will lead us

  • Heather Reid will read Scripture from Exodus 11:1-10

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the extended passage on "The Passover Lamb".

We pray that you will be blessed in the time we spend together.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 11th February 2024

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. We wish all who celebrate the event a blessed time of joy and harmony. We thank God for his goodness in blessing us with peace and prosperity in our nation. May we bless others with our generosity and the sharing of the gospel.

For tomorrow, we will gather in the Memorial Hall at 10:30am for prayer. Then at 11am, we will begin the worship service.

  • Alan Mak will lead us

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from Exodus 7:7-25

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the extended text on "More than Conquerors through Him who Loves His People".

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Communion Service 4th February 2024

We will meet tomorrow at 10:30am in the Memorial Hall for prayer. We will pray for God to sustain the world, to prosper the nation, and to sanctify the church.

Then at 11am, we will begin the Communion Service.

  • I will lead the service

  • Heather Reid will read Scripture from Exodus 6:1-7:7

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "Like God to the World".

After service, please join us for the farewell lunch for the Trench family as they relocate to a church nearer their home.  We thank Mark and Mandy for their services at TGCC.

Following the lunch, please stay behind for a short briefing on the Revitalise Australia Report.

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 28th January 2024

We will gather tomorrow at 10:30am in the Bluestone church for our pre-service prayer. We will pray for God's world, his nation, and his church. 

Then at 11am, we will begin the Sunday service.

  • Alan Mak will lead us

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from Titus 3:1-8

  • Joseph Teo will preach from the text on "Doing What is Good".

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 21st January 2024

We will meet tomorrow in the Memorial Hall at 10:30am for prayer. We will pray for what God is doing in the world, in our nation, and in the church.

Then at 11am, we will gather for our Sunday worship.

  • Mark Trench will lead us

  • Mandy Trench will read Scripture from 2 Samuel 2:1-32 (NIV)

  • Caleb Cheong will preach from the text on "Avoiding Needless Conflicts"

Pastor Caleb, his wife Phoebe and daughter Charisse are no strangers to us. They were with us when TGCC first started before Caleb took up a pastoral position 

with the Edge Community Church. Caleb has recently finished up at the church and he is taking a short break before embarking on the next chapter of his ministry.

Please welcome Caleb and his family. 

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Joseph Teo Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 14th January 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

We look forward to meeting again tomorrow for a time of prayer at 10:30am in the side room of the Memorial Hall. 

We will pray for what God is doing in the world, in the nation, and in the church.

Then at 11am we will begin the Sunday service in the Memorial Hall. 

  • Mark Trench will lead us

  • Mandy Trench will read Scripture from Habakkuk 3:1-19

  • Victor Khow will preach from the text on "Fear and Faith".

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Service Joseph Teo Service Joseph Teo

Communion Sunday 7th January 2024

  • We will gather at the Memorial Hall (in the side room) at 10:30am for prayer. We will pray for what God is doing in the world, in our nation, and in the church.

  • Then at 11am we will begin the Communion Sunday service.

  • Alan Mak will lead in the service

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from Habakkuk 1:1-2:1

  • Victor Khor will preach from the passage on "The Surprising Sovereignty of God"

  • After the service, there will be church lunch. Please stay for the food and fellowship.

Dear brothers and sisters,

We will gather at the Memorial Hall (in the side room) at 10:30am for prayer. We will pray for what God is doing in the world, in our nation, and in the church.

Then at 11am we will begin the Communion Sunday service.

  • Alan Mak will lead in the service

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from Habakkuk 1:1-2:1

  • Victor Khor will preach from the passage on "The Surprising Sovereignty of God"

After the service, there will be church lunch. Please stay for the food and fellowship.

Joseph Teo

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Service Joseph Teo Service Joseph Teo

Third Advent Sunday Service 17th December 2023

  • We will gather tomorrow at the Memorial Hall at 10:30am for prayer. We will pray for the world, the nation, and the church.

  • Then at 11am, we will begin the 3rd Advent Sunday service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Valerie Hoo will read Scripture from Exodus 5:1-6:1

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "Bricks without Straw!"

Dear brothers and sisters,

We will gather tomorrow at the Memorial Hall at 10:30am for prayer. We will pray for the world, the nation, and the church.

Then at 11am, we will begin the 3rd Advent Sunday service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Valerie Hoo will read Scripture from Exodus 5:1-6:1

  • Andrew Reid will preach from the text on "Bricks without Straw!"

Joseph Teo

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Service Joseph Teo Service Joseph Teo

Sunday Service 26th November 2023

  • We gather tomorrow at 10:30am in the side room of Memorial Hall for a time of prayer. We will pray for the world, the nation, and the church.

  • Then at 11am, we will commence our Sunday service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from Exodus 2:1-12

  • Andrew Reid will preach on the text on "How much more will God?"

Dear brothers and sisters,

We gather tomorrow at 10:30am in the side room of Memorial Hall for a time of prayer. We will pray for the world, the nation, and the church.

Then at 11am, we will commence our Sunday service.

  • Marcus Chen will lead us

  • Alice Tung will read Scripture from Exodus 2:1-12

  • Andrew Reid will preach on the text on "How much more will God?"

Joseph Teo

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Service Joseph Teo Service Joseph Teo

Invitation to join CCH 170th Anniversary Sunday Service 19th November 2023

  • There will be no TGCC Sunday service tomorrow 19th November.

  • Instead, we will join Christ Church at 10am in the Bluestone Church as they celebrate their 170th anniversary.

  • Please pray for good attendance and the opportunity for the local community to hear the gospel. Pray also for the Lord to bless Christ Church in their outreach activities during the celebration.

Dear brothers and sisters,

There will be no TGCC Sunday service tomorrow 19th November.

Instead, we will join Christ Church at 10am in the Bluestone Church as they celebrate their 170th anniversary.

Please pray for good attendance and the opportunity for the local community to hear the gospel. Pray also for the Lord to bless Christ Church in their outreach activities during the celebration.

Joseph Teo

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